Friday, April 10, 2015

Experiment 1 - Final Submission

3D Warehouse

Download Link to 3D Warehouse:

3 Short Animations

3 Significant Images

Above Ground Studio: Christian Benner Custom - Accentuate
(Rendered with Kerkythea)

Inside Designer Workshop: Christian Benner Custom - Accentuate
(Rendered with Kerkythea)

Inside Showroom Space for Christian Benner and Hazan Motorworks  - Cruise
(Rendered with Kerkythea)

Original Sketches

Original conceptual sketch section of composition

 Original stair sections and perspective sketch of staircase to connect the above ground studio with the underground showroom space

Original stair sections designed to connect the showroom space with the below ground studio spaces 

Experiment 1 - Further Developed Sketchup Model (Textures)

Above Ground Space: Christian Benner Custom - Accentuate

Designers workspace nearest to the stair is where the custom jackets are given the final okay before being transported to the showroom space.

Below Ground Space: Hazan Motorworks - Cruise

Designers workspace on the basement level includes a series of workstations for conceptual development of custom motorcycles.

Textures used in model:

Below is a short video inspiring the section, stair, texture and materiality of my scheme:

Experiment 1 - 36 Textures

Above Ground:


Below Ground:

Experiment 1 - Developing Sketchup Model (Stair Design)

Christian Benner Custom Staircase: Above Ground Studio to Showroom Space - Accentuate

Material Selection: Treads and risers made from hardwood (spotted gum) with the surrounding weight-bearing structure being comprised of reinforced polished concrete.

Hazan Motorworks Staircase: Showroom Space to Below Ground Studio - Retro

Material Selection: Treads and risers made entirely from powder-coated steel with white gloss finish - the only viable option for the structure to support its own weight.

Experiment 1 - Stair Sections

Designed to suit First Draft Sketchup Model:

Designed to suit Second Draft Sketchup Model:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Experiment 1 - Second Draft Sketchup Model

Above Ground Space: Christian Benner Custom - Feminine

Below Ground Space [Section Cut]: Hazan Motorworks - Cruise

Sketch Section

Experiment 1 - First Draft Sketchup Model

Above Ground Space: Christian Benner Custom - Accentuate

Below Ground Space [Section Cut]: Hazan Motorworks - Cruise

Sketch Section