Studying possible above ground circulation routes to form "The Bridge" enabled a new investigation into major public spaces and where the architecture should 'focus' upon. This happened to be on the south side of the existing design labs, a point where all pedestrian movement is concentrated.
TOP LEFT: An analysis of the existing structures of primary concern for the project are highlighted in purple. The major paths of circulation are highlighted in red, thereby reinforcing the need for a more efficient circulation strategy which moves between NIDA and UNSW Lower Campus. The major public spaces on the Southern side (Green) need to be a focus in the design, where pedestrian movement and shaded study occurs.
TOP RIGHT: Further studies of existing circulation and the possibility of a more efficient route for pedestrian circulation through a more unified campus.
BOTTOM LEFT: Proposal for major points of circulation (Blue).
BOTTOM RIGHT: Possible form above ground should consist of tiered levels which form an architectural "mountain". |
LUMION DRAFT MODEL 1 - Ridid geometry as an attempt to create flow. The facade faces north, with a new ground plane which bridges NIDA and UNSW.

The first image above shows the relationships and significant connections that I established between the major spaces. This investigation proved that the most efficient Architecture campus should have the studio space/s at the core of the architecture (Image 2), thereby catalysing creativity and collaborative learning.
Initial draft section showing the concept of my design. In line with my study of the spaces and their arrangement, I have placed the studio spaces on the same plane as the bridge. This is to create a new 'ground' plane above the physical ground, reminiscent of Richard Goodwin's lecture on Porosity, whilst also being central to the surrounding spaces. A lecture theatre will have a moveable roof which can open to receive daylight, and providing the possibility of staging NIDA stage performances.
LUMION DRAFT MODEL 2 - Curvilinear forms were needed to allow for the most efficient pedestrian flow through the building. A number of tiered outdoor spaces are formed, which aim to introduce nature above the ground plane.
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